Published inComida For Familias, Inc.My First Year as CEOWritten to inspire others to take the plunge in their endeavors.Dec 19, 2020Dec 19, 2020
Published inComida For Familias, Inc.An Analysis of The Social Dilemma.A review from the perspective of someone who writes code, understands design, and is a client of social media. WARNING: SPOILERSSep 17, 2020Sep 17, 2020
Published inComida For Familias, Inc.Pay to do charitable activities that will make your Familia proud!Comida For Familias, Inc. is a 509(a)(2), 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. This article explains why this is important when you do…Sep 8, 2020Sep 8, 2020
Published inComida For Familias, Inc.What activities do volunteers do with Comida For Familias, Inc.?The short answer is anything and everything they want to do. The more accurate answer requires some explaining.Aug 10, 2020Aug 10, 2020